Graduation / Certificate Application

Please see our info on Degree Requirements and form of issuance. Also note that hard copy requests require a full, valid mailing address as well as a $25 processing/mailing fee. (Soft Copies are free.)

Note: It may take up to two weeks to process your request.

*Last Name
*First Name
*Middle Initial
*Verify Email:
*Student ID Number
REMINDER: Student ID Numbers are 18 characters long, and look like this: XxxxXxxxXxxx######
*Degree Applying For
Reminder: If we do not have any High School or GED date information from your application to SLBC, then you may only receive a Certificate from us.

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Zip/Postal Code
( )   -

*The information I have provided is true and accurate:
Yes No
*Spam Prevention Question: How long could it take to process your request?